Sunday, September 19, 2010

Mental Heath Day

I'm taking a mental health day.

I spent every waking second of the day teetering on the brink of a nervous break down.

Here's to a better tomorrow.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Oh Saturday.

Ahhh, Saturday.
When i think if Saturdays, i think of leisurely waking up feeling refreshed sometime between 9-11am. The kids (who have also slept in) coming and jumping on the bed with you, ready to greet a beautiful, sunshiny day.
I don't know where this image came from...because i have never experienced that in my 7 years of being a parent.

Instead..i woke up at 6:20am (ten minutes before the alarm was to go off) with that "OH SHIT", panic feeling like I'd already missed something very important. I get out of bed, hit the bathroom...and like mechanical mom..go straight to the laundry room to put the wash from last night in he dryer. Auto Pilot. may ask..does someone with no job set their alarm for 6:30am on a Saturday morning?
Well..there is something about me that i didn't tell you.
And promise you won't think any less of me.....
I am a soccer mom.

I don't have my official "Soccer Mom" membership card just yet, though, since i haven't purchased a mini-van or one of those adorable soccer ball stickers to put in the back window. *sarcasm* (though i would like a mini van...i mean..come on..i have 3 kids).  Despite that fact, we fell into our routine fairly easily and the kids love it...and i don't mind it so much, either.
This is the first year that any of my kids have played any sport. I am not a sporty mom. I hate football, NASCAR (it's barely a sport anyway), baseball...all sports. But when your little angels (heh) ask to play, how can you say no?

This mornings game is an away game. Not far from my house, Gavin's team's playing and we're on our first snack duty....which i hadn't bought yet. Yes, I'm a procrastinator, too. That means we have to leave even earlier for a game that is already too damn early.

Cleaning up, dressing and getting 3 kids out the door before noon is a miracle in this house...but somehow we managed to leave at 8am, made it to the store to buy snacks and drinks for 11 players and my 2 girls and were at the ball fields by 8:45 sharp. (I know! I'm pretty impressed, too!).
No more than 2 minutes after we get there and set up our seats Izabelle (remember..this is the ninja child) has taken off her shoes, ran through the dewy grass to the gravel path 20 ft away and is burying herself in gravel (where she continues to play the entire 1 hour game in between coming to me and begging me to give her the snacks we bought for the team). *facepalm* It's going to be one of THOSE days.
The team plays exactly how i would expect a group of 6 and 7 year old kids to play a game they barely know at 9am ...and put up a good defense against a very good team (who's coach was the loudest man I've ever met and screamed at them like a lunatic the whole game) and only allowed one goal against them...but still lost 0-1.
Good Job guys!

So, now it's time to go have that relaxing Saturday i talked about, right?


Ivy has a (home) game at Noon!! Yipee!

We go home, get Gavin's soccer gear off..Ivy's soccer gear on and have to almost completely change Izabelle's clothes since she's covered in dust, dirt and who knows what else (complete with pebbles in her hair..nice) and have about 45 minutes before we have to leave again. I entertain the idea of faking sick and staying home...and then i remember that I'm not 13...and out the door we go.

I'm not going to lie...Ivy's team kicks ass. I don't know that Ivy has a whole lot to do with her team kicking ass..since she basically jogs next to or near the ball....but she loves it enough to make up for her lack of skills (i hope) and she looks freakin adorable in her little uniform and socks.
While Ivy's team is kicking all kinds of ass..I'm missing most of it. Gavin and Izzy have decided that playing Star Wars with the plastic water bottles they brought was far more interesting than watching their sister play soccer and were being so loud and obnoxious that i couldn't pay attention.
When i would get into the game for a couple minutes...I'd turn to find the two of them half way across the field next to us, Izabelle tried to drink out of a sippy cup filled with who knows what..that was left at the field by lord knows who....and the kicker was when i had to go physically remove her from the soccer goal post she had scaled and was hanging off the top of.
All of these things happened while i had literally turned my head for a second and was shocked to find that she wasn't sitting next to me where I'd left her.


I only saw one of the 4 goals that Ivy's team scored (though did get to watch the game enough to see the ball that was kicked out of bounds, that hit me in the face..flying towards my head in slow motion)....but it doesn't matter..because they won 4-0.

Go Grey Team!!

We loaded up, picked up Wendy's for lunch on the way home (don't judge me) and finally made it home for the day at 1:30.

The last few hours have been a blur. I sent the kids upstairs to clean their rooms (which they actually[kind of] did) and i think i might have lost consciousness on the couch here and there, too.
I got Rob up, fed and off to another 12 hour night shift...and even though it feels like we just walked in the kids are asking that age old question.........

"MOOOOOOOMMMMMMMM.....when's dinner?!?!???!"


At this point you're probably thinking "Shantelle....what's the point? what's the moral of the story here?"

My answer to you....

When i figure it out, I'll let you know.

Have a great Saturday everyone.

Friday, September 17, 2010


Hello. I'm Shantelle...and I'm pretty awesome.  I know that's a big word to live up to...but I'm up to the challenge.
First of all, I'm a mother of 3 (which i think is pretty awesome in itself). Gavin is 7, he's a superhero, crime fighter and 2nd grade student. Ivy is 6 and she is skilled in turning her father to mush, the patience of a saint and the art of 1st grade.
Then there's Izabelle....she's 4. You'll hear a lot about her...since she's the only child i have home with me all day long...and she's the most interesting 4 year old I've ever met (and I'm not just saying that because I'm her mom...well, maybe just a little). As far as i can tell, she is a ninja. She can move without being seen or heard, she can win a fight without putting forth any effort at all and she most definitely can get anything she wants with a batting of her big blue eyes. She's cute, but dangerous.
I've been married to Captain Awesome...a.k.a Rob for 7 years...we've been together for NINE years. Nine. That may not seem like too long to some of you who've been together for 20, 30, 40+ years...but its an eternity to me at the ripe old age of 27. Never in my life did i think i could stand to be around the same person for more than a few months....let alone the decade we're approaching..and it amazes me every day that we are still in love (and we even like each other!!).
I've been a SAHM (that's "stay at home mom" for those of you living under a rock) since 2007 and i have a love/hate relationship with it, but, for right now that's where I'll stay.
I am also a photographer (eeeek..i have a hard time with that word) just starting out and trying to make a name for myself. I love photography like a 4th child (or 5th..if Rob is being exceptionally child-like) and i feel lucky that I'll someday be able to do the one thing i couldn't imagine living without for the rest of my life (besides my family).
So..that's me in a nutshell. I'm a little bit country..I'm a little bit rock-n-roll...I'm a whole lot of cheesy and i encourage you to laugh with me....because i sure don't mind laughing at myself.

*all claims of awesome are strictly for comedic effect and are not to be taken as narcissism....unless you agree that i am, indeed, awesome. \m/