Friday, September 17, 2010


Hello. I'm Shantelle...and I'm pretty awesome.  I know that's a big word to live up to...but I'm up to the challenge.
First of all, I'm a mother of 3 (which i think is pretty awesome in itself). Gavin is 7, he's a superhero, crime fighter and 2nd grade student. Ivy is 6 and she is skilled in turning her father to mush, the patience of a saint and the art of 1st grade.
Then there's Izabelle....she's 4. You'll hear a lot about her...since she's the only child i have home with me all day long...and she's the most interesting 4 year old I've ever met (and I'm not just saying that because I'm her mom...well, maybe just a little). As far as i can tell, she is a ninja. She can move without being seen or heard, she can win a fight without putting forth any effort at all and she most definitely can get anything she wants with a batting of her big blue eyes. She's cute, but dangerous.
I've been married to Captain Awesome...a.k.a Rob for 7 years...we've been together for NINE years. Nine. That may not seem like too long to some of you who've been together for 20, 30, 40+ years...but its an eternity to me at the ripe old age of 27. Never in my life did i think i could stand to be around the same person for more than a few months....let alone the decade we're approaching..and it amazes me every day that we are still in love (and we even like each other!!).
I've been a SAHM (that's "stay at home mom" for those of you living under a rock) since 2007 and i have a love/hate relationship with it, but, for right now that's where I'll stay.
I am also a photographer (eeeek..i have a hard time with that word) just starting out and trying to make a name for myself. I love photography like a 4th child (or 5th..if Rob is being exceptionally child-like) and i feel lucky that I'll someday be able to do the one thing i couldn't imagine living without for the rest of my life (besides my family).
So..that's me in a nutshell. I'm a little bit country..I'm a little bit rock-n-roll...I'm a whole lot of cheesy and i encourage you to laugh with me....because i sure don't mind laughing at myself.

*all claims of awesome are strictly for comedic effect and are not to be taken as narcissism....unless you agree that i am, indeed, awesome. \m/

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